
Happy Salmon

Happy Salmon_boxshot
189 kr

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Tillverkarens text

  • If you thought Happy Salmon was fast-paced and packed to the gills with high-fivin’, fin-flappin’ foolishness, now you can get Happy Salmon blue fish and play with six more players, for a total of 12!
  • Actions include the classic “High 5”, the unifying “Pound It”, the frantic “Switcheroo”, and the delightful “Happy Salmon”.
  • At 30 seconds to learn and one minute to play, it is the most legal fun you can have in 60 seconds.
  • The iconic pouch is perfect to bring along to parties, camp, or just traveling upstream.

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Avdelningar Brädspel
Genres Kortspel, Partyspel
Speltyp Grundspel
Tillverkare Blandade
Svårighetsgrad Ålder 6+