
What Lies Beneath Solo Dungeon Crawler

What Lies Beneath Solo Dungeon Crawler_boxshot
239 kr

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Tillverkarens text

A solo dungeon-crawler of dice, decisions and death

You dream you’re in a chapel. Small, high-pitched voices sing an ancient song. Yet a sense of unease washes through you. The core is more macabre. Dream yields to waking confusion. Dust, bones and dried death. A flickering torch. Underground. A crypt.

You catch a wisp of a breeze, heavy with the stench of rot. You gag. Yet a breeze suggests a way out. You take the torch, determined to get out of here alive.

Structured as a branching narrative, What Lies Beneath invites you to direct the plot – but only if you master a unique combination of game mechanisms. Enjoy all the challenges of solo roleplay:

  • Buffing your character: Gain items that unlock new powers
  • Classic skill checks: Roll against thresholds to hit enemies
  • Intellectual puzzles: Manipulate dice using limited actions
  • Dexterity tests (optional): Flick dice at specified targets

And when (not if) you die, you can spend experience points to boost your next character. Perhaps, this time, you will survive.

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Genres Rollspel, Skräck
Avdelningar Rollspel
Sektioner SciFi/Fantasy
Serier Solospel, Bits & Mortar